Society For Communal Harmony

Society For Communal Harmony

Society for Communal Harmony

Society for Communal Harmony

About Society for Communal Harmony

Established in 1990 on the initiative of historian Dr. Bishambhar Nath Pandey and theologian scholar Ali Mian Nadvi, Society for Communal Harmony is dedicated to the cause of communal harmony. The Society aims at promoting unity and fraternity through justice, peace and progress as enunciated in the preamble of the Constitution of India.

Knowledge Base

Curated collection of articles, speeches and videos relevant to communal harmony, particularly in India.

Participate in Forum

Topics for discussion and expressing your views. New Topics can be added only by Members of the Society for Communal Harmony.


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If you are concerned about communal harmony and can contribute in any way to the purpose of the Society, please become its friend (free) or a member by submitting this online form