Last few days have witnessed extensive media coverage and raging debates on hurting the sentiments by adulterated Tirupati laddus. The Case in a nutshell is that laddus samples tested showed use of the purported animal fat in its preparation. If true, this points to an administrative lapse, supply fraud or corrupt vendor – temple administration nexus. It warrants a mature government to investigate and book the culprits. However, it has been snowballed into a huge controversy playing on the emotional sentiments of the common man by presenting it as a sacrilege on God.

A few days ago, Chandrababu Naidu, Chief Minister of AP, a normally mature and seasoned politician focused on developmental governance, held a press conference to expose the incidence and charged the former AP Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, a Christian, for deliberately hurting the Hindu sentiments of the people. The ante was further upped and dramatized by Pawan Kalyan, Deputy Chief Minister, undertaking a 11 day ‘Prayaschitta Diksha” , atonement effort seeking forgiveness from God for the alleged adulteration of laddu prasadam.. He also got Tirupati Devasthanam to conduct “Shuddhi” (purification) programs for the temple. All other political parties have either joined the chorus or maintained silence on this issue lest, they be left behind. Further, the Media, obsessed with TDPs, has given relentless prominence to this news, knowing fully well the impact TV has on the people. Programs continued to air outrage and indignation. All this raises more questions than it answers.

Should a scam in a temple be treated as sacrilege against God? God getting offended by such acts and appeased by apologies, stands contrary to all the religious teachings and scriptures projecting God as the icon for compassion, tolerance, love and being egoless. The question is, whether leveraging God for political gains is more demeaning or corruption in the administration of the temple? Equally, one need to challenge the premise that the general citizens have been so badly affected? Historically, when people get genuinely offended, major uprisings take place and they come on the street. Mandal Commission, Manipur are some examples of this. Lastly, should a responsible Media whip up emotions of people by constantly focusing on the politics of it without analysing the real issue of corruption and responsibility. The fact is that despite this, the issue remains confined to a few, as the common man views it as a political gimmick. Then why has the issue been made emotive? Who will benefit?

Tirupati Devasthanam is amongst the richest temples in the country with a net worth of Rs 3 lakh Crores, more than the market capitalisation of ONGC, Nestle and other large companies and has an annual budget of Rs 5200 Crs. Just from Laddu sales it earns an annual revenue of Rs 500 Crs.  Due to such large stakes, politicians wish to take control of TTD Trust and its management, leading to political manipulations and corruption. Nothing to do with religious sentiments. TTD consumes 300-500 litres a day to deliver 3.5 lakh laddus daily. At present, Nandini, a Karnataka government cooperative, is the exclusive supplier to TTD. Given Rs. 500 Crs a year at stake, there is theory doing the rounds that making this an issue is aimed at privatising the procurement. If it is an administrative issue, what was the need of politicising

Assumption of its being a political conspiracy gets confirmed by the fact that oil samples were sent to a Gujrat laboratory for analysis instead of sending it to well recognised government national labs or other local labs available. Moreover, public statements made by political leaders even before proper investigation began reinforces this theory. Further, the following facts explain the politicisation:

  1.  There has been a personal animosity between Jagan, former CM and Chandrababu, present CM and is well documented. So, it appears to be a fight to finish. Being a shrewd politician, the incident provided a rare unique opportunity to make it emotive so as to wipe out the opponent from reckoning.
  2. Jagan left the AP State Bankrupt. To bridge the resource crunch gap, Chandrababu Naidu is dependent on the largesse of the Central Government much beyond its Finance Commission mandated share of revenues. Chandrababu Naidu, who left an indelible mark on the united Andhra, recognises the need for him to deliver in this term, for him to leave a legacy behind. This requires him to play to BJP agenda for getting funds for development. This compulsion dovetails well into BJP’s main Hindutva agenda for the South.
  3. It would not be out of the realm of possibilities to envision BJP agenda of replacing Chandrababu with Pawan Kalyan after they make sufficient inroads in firmly establishing themselves in the State. BJP had adopted the same modus operandi earlier in Goa, Maharashtra, Odisha and other States. Pawan Kalyan was the main player in brokering the alliance between BJP and the reluctant TDP.
  4.  To position himself for this and to gain traction in the Public, Pawan Kalyan is leveraging this opportunity to seek limelight. His open aggressive responses to his critics and bringing in the Muslim angle is seen as playing to the BJP galleries and advocacy of the BJP rhetoric.

In conclusion, this myopic approach of meeting personal agendas of TDP settling scores and Pawan Kalyan’s ambitions may benefit in the short run. The biggest beneficiary will be BJP in establishing its Hindutva agenda in the State. Can the State, that is already ridden with caste tensions, afford further Polarisation in the society? What are the consequences of such a provocation?

All roads to hell are paved with good intentions. Bifurcation of AP decisively delivered a big blow to AP immediately and in the long run to Telangana. For AP to regain and better its earlier position, it needs industrialisation. This cannot be achieved in a polarised environment leading to constant strife, it is, therefore, incumbent on all the State Citizens to stop politicians playing on their sentiments and misinformation. The relationship between God and man is personal and should not be gauged by adulterated laddus or corrupt administrative practices. It’s a travesty to think that an adulterated LLadu would offend God or hurt people’s sentiments.

With focus on growth, AP is well poised to industrialise. Its land is very fertile, has a vibrant educational hub, a large non-resident community, healthcare and reasonable infrastructure. Evidence shows how development of polarised States like UP, MP, Bihar and now even Karnataka, have stunted growth and declining political discourse. A vigilant and proactive Civic Society that proactively works towards social harmony, teamwork and challenge misinformation can impact the State growth. Countries like Japan, Israel, Taiwan and others have shown that they could rise from the ashes to build themselves into power houses mainly due to a vigilant civic society. Civic society determination to stop polarisation in its track will determine its future.


 BY K , VIJAY RAO, National Vice President, Society of Communal Harmony of India


1-Oct-24 Anand Vardhan Singh conducts a TV Debate on the publicindia YouTube

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