September 7, 2022

Sardar Patel had a dim view of RSS

Sardar Patel on the demand of RSS: in this short speech he rejects outright the demand of a HINDU RASHTRA. He unambiguously lays out his ideas. He says it is the responsibility of Indians to accommodate the Muslims and their culture notwithstanding the partition. He makes it clear that the Government will be run to maintain India as a SECULAR State and Hindu culture will not be forcibly imposed on others.

Many RW (Right Wing) followers of the PM repeat his insults to Nehru and try to portray that Sardar Patel was a sympathizer of RSS – this clip shows exactly opposite to be true. Nehru was more forgiving of the RSS and it is his persuasion that saved RSS from remaining a banned organisation. After Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination, Sardar Patel had banned RSS because Nathuram Godse who murdered Gandhi, drew his inspiration from the RSS ideology.

Watch the clip

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Anil Srivastava

Yes, indeed, after Mahatma Gandhi’s murder, Sardar Patel strongly indicted RSS and its extreme right wing unit, the Hindu Mahasabha, responsible for Godse’s actions. He banned RSS and lifted the ban after the organisation gave written undertaking. To quote from Government archives, this is the undertaking given by RSS:

“The RSS leader has undertaken to make the loyalty to the Union Constitution and respect for the National Flag more explicit in the Constitution of the RSS and to provide clearly that persons believing or resorting to violent and secret methods will have no place in the Sangh. The RSS leader has also clarified that the Constitution will be worked on a democratic basis.

…In the light of the modifications made and clarifications given by the RSS leader, the Government of India have come to the conclusion that the RSS organisation should be given an opportunity to function as a democratic, cultural organisation owing loyalty to the Indian Constitution and recognising the National Flag eschewing secrecy and abjuring violence. Indeed the Government feel that, under a Constitution embodying these principles and worked in the right spirit, no reasonable objection can be taken to such functioning.”

Read the article, The Wire republished on the anniversary of the RSS getting banned – 4th February, 2021.
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Sardar Patel was always wedded to the Congress ideology of secularism and Right Wingers’ attempts to appropriate his legacy by lip service needs to be exposed. After building his statue, some have tried to push the narrative that Congress leaders, particularly Nehru had diminished Sardar Patel’s stature. The fact of the matter is that Sardar Patel regarded Nehru as a friend even though they had their differences. Moreover, Sardar Patel would be turning in his grave looking at the SOU (Statue of Unity), firstly because he was above self-aggrandisement and secondly he would abhor the statue’s foundry work was outsourced to a firm in China!

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