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Hindu – Muslim population myths and reality

 Synopsis: Worldwide experience and data shows that TFR (Total Fertility Rate – average number of children born per woman of child bearing age) declines with economic well-being and a certain minimum level of “awareness” (children are not “God’s gift” – rather the result of unprotected copulation). TFR should be used to project the popluation growth…

Created Date : July 21, 2022

Should India become a “Hindu Rashtra”? Would it not be contrary to the idea of India, the intent of the framers of the Constitution of India (COI)?

India should never become a “majoritarian” or a “theocratic” State which is what “Hindu Rashtra” means, regardless of whatever spin the Sangh Pariwar members give to the meaning of the moniker. Secular State is one that does not ascribe to any particular religious order and it is careful not to have any of its functionaries…

Created Date : July 21, 2022